We are opening at 10am. These are just some of the cakes for sale now. Would love to see you here.
Our Jane (whose is a British Sugar Guild Member) has created these lucky mascot characters.
We have our lady baker called Chelsea Bun but we are struggling for a nice catchy name for our male baker figure....can you help with that?
Don’t forget this event is all about raising money for Cancer Support in a fun way.
Come down and see us on Friday to buy some cake and enter our raffle.
We are baking loads of cakes and they all need eating!
You can donate on our Just Giving page now.
#coffeemorning #macmillan #eatcakes #bakecakes #nottinghamcoffeemorning #colwickcoffeemorning #britishsugarguild
#FootballTickets #KindlyDonatedByNottsCountyFC #MacmillanCakeSaleEvent #28thSeptember #CakeSaleEvent #Savouriesforsale #bakeclub #cakesforsale #wheretobuycakesonMacmillanCoffeeMorning #buycakesonMacmillanCoffeeMorninginNotts #buycakesonMacmillanCoffeeMorninginColwick #cakestobuy #cakestobuyforcharity #fantasticraffleprizes #BritishSugarGuild #MacmillanCoffeeMorning #Macmillancancersupport #Win2ticketsfortheNottsCountyFC #NottsCountyFCvsCheltenhamTown #WinNottsCountyFCtickets #CakeDecorating #Youcandonatenow #donateonJustGiving #raffleticketsforsalenow #raffleticketsforsale